For the first time in November 2009 Close corporation “Krasnoluchskaya” Coal Washing Company has introduced new process equipment-Hydrosizer-for anthracite coal preparation.
Hydrosizer with hydrocyclones, with vibrating arc sieving machine and centrifuge, gives opportunity to get the law-ash and solid coal concentrate (50 tons per hour), preparation depth achieves “0” mm, that allows us to enter new qualitative level of manufacture.
For the present time Hydrosizer is connected to one of two production chains of the plant, but hereafter we are planning to connect it to the second production chain to provide maximum productivity of new equipment.
Close corporation “Krasnoluchskaya” Coal Washing Company today can propose the high quality coal product for Ukrainian and Foreign buyers.

«Krasnoluchskaya» coal washing company – one of the leading enterprises of the branch. Product capacity of the factory is approximately 1000 thousand tons a year.
The technological complex is presented by the objects of mainline production, auxiliary process and objects of serving purpose and provides continuous production with an incomplete cycle of washing up to 6 mm by jigging method.
As a result of processing the following production is manufactured: rank of coal А (25-100mm), А (13-25mm), А(6-13mm),A(0-6mm), А (0-6mm).
Source of raw materials is formed due to processing of goods made on commission and purchasing of coal raw material.
Production of the Enterprise has special «Certificate of genetic, technological and qualitative characteristics " issued by Ukrainian Research Institute of coal preparation.
Products of washing correspond to all specifications and parameters of quality. The enterprise takes firm positions at the domestic coal-mining market and has significant experience in coal production export to the Eastern European countries.

At the present moment the program of reequipment and introduction of progressive technologies to the production process is being adopted.
In the process of project realization the production volume has considerably increased, the quantity of workplaces has grown on the average by 30 %.
Negotiations for equipment suppliers from Great Britain participation in the Program are under way.
High development characteristics of the enterprise influence life of the whole region - «Krasnoluchskaya» coal washing company JSC is one of the largest taxpayers of the area, takes part in social programs and projects of the city improvement.